Saturday, March 19, 2011

Making Connections

While reading Great Expectations, I couldn't help but notice that the book reminded me of  J.K Rowling's series Harry Potter.  Both Harry and Pip had bad childhoods and had parents that died while they were at a very young age. A striking similarity I found was the way the family members treat each boy. Pip is told he should be grateful that he should be alive, and Harry is told that he is lucky he gets what he has (which was very little). So in a sense, they both are treated like they aren't worth anything. I also found another connection dealing with their home life. Pip sleeps in a small room with a small bed, and Harry sleeps in a small room (almost closet-like). After leaving home, both seem to not like the memories of these rooms, it's a part of their past they wish to not revisit.

 Pip and Harry in their younger years.

Just as they were connected in their younger years, they are connected in another way as they get older. For instance, Pip and Harry both come into fortune which changes their lives completely. Harry moved away from his horrid home and moved to Hogwarts where he was educated in becoming a wizard. Pip moved to London, became educated, and learned to be a gentleman. During this time, Harry and Pip both had a good friend to help them out. Pip had Herbert and Harry had Ron (with the exception of Hermione). Herbert showed Pip the ropes of becoming a gentleman while Ron showed Harry the ropes of the wizard world.

 Pip and Harry as they become older, have come into fortune, and moved away.

Pip and Harry both have  lady troubles as well. I find that there are certain similarities in Estella and Hermione. Both are described as very pretty, but they are condescending as well. Estella criticizes Pip on his commonness and his lack of education. Hermione also does this with Harry (and Ron) by treating them like they are silly children who know nothing. Both seem to think they are better than Pip/Harry.

Hopefully this helps you connect Great Expectations to something more modern or just something relevant to you.


  1. I think that you did a very good job in connecting these two stories. In many ways I cant see how they are connected, but you made a very convincing case as to why they are. Good job!

  2. I like how a connection you used was their childhood, and the pictures show the connections well! Nice job!
