Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pip's quote

   At this point, Pip has had his first day at Ms. Havisham's house. He has met the odd ball (Ms. Havisham) along with young Estella. Estella costantly critisized Pip and made remarks about how common he was, how filthy he was, and how unknowladgable he was. From that, Pip realizes that there is a better life with the upper class. This thought alone makes Pip look at Joe differently. He feels dissapointed of Joe and who he is and wants to refrain from becoming similar to him in any way. This change in Pip, in my opinion, is not a postive one. The majority loves Joe, so you could see why most would be unfavorable of this change in Pip. This quote is undoubtedly the turning point for Pip, he wants more for himself. and overall wants to be a part of the upper class. This is just the beginnig of the chain for Pip, and the life he aims for.

The day that began my "chain" would probably be the day I moved to Japan. Not knowing anyone, let alone their language, was an obvious struggle of mine. I learned to make friends and also learned about their culture. From there I was respectful of the things they did even though I didn't quite fully understand it. I think that learning about other cultures and respecting them is important in one's character. This has shaped me into the person I am today, and I'm so grateful for being able to see other perspectives rather than my own.

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