Friday, April 15, 2011

Wrapping it up

Great Expectations. I feel very satisfied and accomplished reading a book this difficult. There are so many messages in this book that it is hard to choose just one but the main message of the book for me was that money isn't happiness. This message, in my opinion, relates both back then and today. For example, Pip and Miss Havisham have lots of money to spend are not happy with their lives. Today, some of the happiest people there are have little to nothing. This always makes me wonder why rich or wealthy people are not happy. I always come to the assumption  that all of their stuff and the things they have don't fulfill their needs. Money is not a friend you can talk to, share thoughts with, or have a conversation with and a friend is. Stuff is not the answer to your problems, people are because they can listen and be there for you. At the end of the day, you need friends and family, not money. Happiness is  something money cannot buy.

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