Saturday, April 30, 2011

Connecting with Romeo and Juliet

Through reading the first few scenes of the play, I find myslef connecting with the Prince the most. In the beginning of the play, the Prince is the one tries to end the fight. This reminds me of myself because I really do not like when people fight and I like to have peace between everyone. Other than the Prince, Mercutio also reminds me of myself. He is always sarcastic towards Romeo's overly dramatic attitude. I find myself very sarcastic especially in High School with teenage girls (including myself) who are extremely dramatic about everything. All in all, I feel like I have the Prince's "keep the peace" attitude but also Mercutio's sarcasticness (Although I'm sure I can be as dramatic as Romeo sometimes).

Reading the scenes at home and then in class helps me so much in understanding the language. I have my own interpretations when I'm by myself and then at school I can see it as something completely different (in a good way). The old time language can be difficult and is difficult most of the time, only making the book harder to read. Sometimes I'm having a hard enough time trying to understand what's going on that it's hard to see imagery and metaphors let alone any annotations. It really helps to come to school to have Mrs. Gilman/ Ms. Smith not only tell you what's going on, but reword it into modern english.

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