Sunday, September 19, 2010

Introduction to my blog

Welcome to my blog. Here you will see my opinions on various topics posted for the world to see. Why should you read this blog? I will throw enthusiasm into some of the dullest topics on earth. A lot of the time I will read a blog or a review that is completely over analyzed or it's just simply boring. If you enjoy blatant facts listed out from one to ten then I suggest that you read a different blog. Often I will put humor into what I'm writing about so if you are a tedious or dull person then I'm sorry. I would like to think that both my opinion and commentary will enrich the reader's knowledge and will give them a new perspective on things.

English is such an important subject and class because you gain great communication, reading, and writing skills. All three of those things are important in becoming successful career wise, and also as a person. English class to me is the part of the day where I gain the most knowledge. Yes, I learn things in math and science but for some reason I feel that English is something that is actually going to help me succeed both personally and academically in life. Am I trying to be a suck up by saying English is my favorite class, knowing that my English teacher can read my blog? No I am not, I truly believe that it is very important to be knowledgeable in the subject of English.

Hopefully this blog will enlighten the online world and my readers will walk away with a new point of view.

1 comment:

  1. EMMA! you are hilarious in your writing and in person. I like how we don't lose you at all...if I saw this intro I would immediatly think of you. Hahaha..I mean who else would say the suck up thing!
