Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Boo Radley

Personally, I am both scared and intimidated by the general concept of Earth and outer space. I know the basic idea but it's hard for me to grasp that millions and millions of people live on one planet not knowing if other life exists somewhere else. Could I go out and buy "Earth/Outer space for Dummies"? Yes I could. Would this help me? No it would not. I could study up on the subject and would probably learn a lot but in the end I would still be wondering if there is life somewhere else. You don't realize that this idea is strange until you really think about it. We live on a sphere with millions of other humans and species not knowing if another planet is like ours or once was like ours.

Thinking about outer space freaks me out. The major motion picture films fabricating this topic do not help at all. Green aliens flying down from saucers in the sky? To think that people could be a little more creative. I will admit that E.T. was a great movie though. I saw E.T at a young age and this was a partial influence on what made me start to wonder about these kinds of things.
Visual aid of E.T. (extra terrestrial) 

It amazes me that there is a massive galaxy far beyond from where I am. I would be shocked if someone did not find this somewhat intimidating. Not knowing what is out there and what's going on scares me. Although it is always nice to wonder about things and believe that there are places undiscovered that may be far greater than where we are now. The number one absolute idea that completely blows my mind are crop circles. Oh yes we have all seen pictures, videos, documentaries, etc. and we have all "ooooh'd and ahhhh'd" in fascination. Imagine if you woke up to find some obscure inscription or somewhat of a symbol on your lawn, I would die. I'm not talking about someone doing a horrible job mowing your lawn and it vaguely looking like a smiley face. Absolutely not. Think extremely large intricate designs that would have no way of being done overnight. There are actually crop circles and this has happened, which makes me slightly paranoid.
Crop circle

My experience relates to Scout's experience with Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird because we are both scared and intimidated about something we initially do not understand. Scout was scared of Boo Radley and did not know much about him other than what people have told her. This applies to my situation because I find Earth and outer space mysterious and somewhat ominous. In the end of the story, Scout was able to see Boo as a nice person, having met him and seeing what he was like for herself. On the contrary, I have not overcome this anxiety and fascination of mine. Hopefully in the near future I will.


  1. What a great in-depth answer! I feel a little intimidated by that as well :)

  2. oooh i looove crop circles!! they are so pretty!!
