Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Extra Credit "Writing about Writing"

Looking at the title you might ask yourself if I'm only posting this for extra credit. Of course not, its for you guys....

One of my favorite pieces of writing that I have done myself has to definitely be my "whale wars" paper (catchy title? yeah I know). Writing this paper took about a week or so in the computer lab with Mr. Haefer's class in 7th grade. A rough idea of the topic was if you agree that these Indian people can kill whales or not (for no reason of course). Some key arguments on the side that they should be able to were "It's their tradition so why not?" and I believe it was Dan Mongovin (in our class!) who said "They are just a waste of space in the ocean" (personally I thought this was hilarious and mean at the same time.) Anyway, my side (who did not want the whales killed) was very small and consisted of about 5 people out of a class of 30 or so. So we worked on this paper and made rough drafts, edits, redo's and finally turned it in. 

Everyone in my group got pretty decent grades, mostly A's. We were not finished though. Now we had to decide who's paper was the best out of our group and read it to the class. The other group also chose their best paper in their group to read to the class. I was chosen! I was somewhat confident on reading aloud because I worked really hard on this paper. It's something I enjoyed writing about because it was my own opinion. The only thing I remember specifically was my ending sentence which was something like "The Indians stopped hunting whales before due to population decrease, so why can't they do it again?" I thought I was so clever for writing that. I was like "Oh yeah, this last sentence is just going to blow up right in there faces." Anyway, I was pretty proud of it because I felt like it was my own and I put a lot of time into it.
I also added a picture of a whale at the top and printed in blue ink to go with the whole whale theme. (Impressive? I think so.) I might still have the paper saved in my documents so if for some odd reason you want to read it, that can be arranged. Not that anyone would actually want to.

Hopefully you enjoyed!

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