Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution

The year 2011 has come to us with a fresh start. What will I do differently this year is a question many ask themselves during this time. My New Year's Resolution is to show at least one act of kindness each day. A lot of the time a resolution will be mainly beneficial to you and you only. In this case, I can be brightening up my own day and another's at the same time. I mean who doesn't want a "You look nice today." or a "Let me help you with those." I am not limited to the common phrases I just listed, they are only examples. So many small things can be done in a day that will leave you and the other person posting on Facebook "good day" or just smiling. Especially in Olympia,Wa where it is dark and grey 95% of the time... I know I don't walk out my front door into the cold smiling as I ride off to school. I'm almost positive that no one walks into a high school somewhere around 7:30 am with a positive, upbeat attitude. If someone spills their coffee on themselves in the morning, thats a bad day. If I'm there to help clean it up and perhaps lend them a spare shirt/jacket, I believe it just got a little bit brighter. I am going to try to show these acts of kindness at least once a day in an effort to make someone happier. How will this benefit me? I will leave the day knowing that I did something to make someone's day just a little bit better.

Lending a hand to another.

Helping an elderly women cross the street!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good Resolution. I didn't write about it but I think now I have 2! thanks ems. you enlightened me.
